Good for those who aren't close to a good knowledgeable dealer and those who are just inclined to tinker. Husqvarna Ibeat Software Download TE Tuning Husqvarna Gas Shot - Tuning. I haven't hooked mine up yet but it is iBeat V.2 and he's been doing this for a few months after developing the cable connector and the feedback has been positive. Cricket Samrat In Hindi Pdf Free Download Cricket Samrat - The worlds largest. Just an avid rider who happens to have a little talent with the electrons. Update: They are a sponsor now at Casfehusky so i think they are legitimate. I am real close to trying this out, will let you know. Overall it looks to me like a electrical engineering person or company that got tired of expensive iBeat and the goofy serial cable and did something about it. I think it is a one man operation so no yellow pages or such for a dude making a cable and reselling a software. I have spoke with the guy and think it is all legit. I would like to buy it but this place just doesn't seem legitimate. If anyone has ever ordered and received the iBeat software from them, please post. They only accept checks and credit cards via paypal only? The only product they offer is this iBeat kit. I check their website and it talks about all the different services it provides but no reference to any real customers for verification. All business owner with a proper business license typically list them selves in the phone book.

Not even the local yellow or white pages. I looked for an address and searched the name Semco and they are not listed in Meridian, ID.