
Download zoom center
Download zoom center

800kbps/1.0Mbps (up/down) for high quality video.Sending 1080p HD video requires 1.8 Mbps (up/down).Receiving 1080p HD video requires 1.8 Mbps (up/down).600kbps (up/down) for high quality video.Recommended bandwidth for meetings and webinar panelists:

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It will automatically adjust for 3G, WiFi or Wired environments. The bandwidth used by Zoom will be optimized for the best experience based on the participants’ network. Note: Zoom Pro licenses are only available for current CU employees, staff, or students involved in teaching, learning, research, or other university business. Please ensure you have created a Basic account at first. To purchase a Pro account on your own, you can upgrade your account with a credit card ($15/year charge).

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  • Faculty and staff may sponsor a student for a $15/year Pro account.
  • download zoom center

    Columbia faculty, staff, and researchers with UNIs can upgrade to a Pro account after receiving permission from their department head or manager CUIT will bill Zoom's $15/year fee to your school or department.Please submit a ticket to request an upgrade to a Pro account for JJlicense period: Unlimited meeting length for up to 300 participants.

    Download zoom center