Regardless of your relationship with the family, find an appropriate way to say what you really want. This greeting can also be used informally, with Hello, Hi, or a person's first name. The most common formal greeting, according to Oxford Dictionaries, is Dear. You can choose a formal, semi-formal, or informal greeting depending upon your relationship with the family. The greeting is how any note or letter naturally starts.

Some people write a note to the new baby, but most direct messages to the parents or the entire family. When sending a card after the birth of a baby, you have three choices on whom to direct your message. You are sure to create a message worth giving!

Don't stress out over what to write in a new baby card! Instead, follow these how-to steps when your goal is to congratulate someone on their new baby. While there is no shame or ill-will in buying a special occasion card and adding a simple 'congratulations' with your signature on the inside, most of us hope to be a little more giving than that. Your purpose is to add to the new parents' joy in a way they can keep forever if they choose. Tips for Creating Personal Congratulations MessagesĪs the experts at Hallmark say, congratulations messages for a newborn baby are your way of officially greeting the new arrival.